Sedna Ventures to Gemini ~ 17 Mar 2023

Nothing like the luck of the Irish to explore the adventures a dwarf planet named for an Inuit goddess changing signs - especially a planet that takes 12,281 years to complete one leisurely stroll around the Sun! With astronomers are still not certain how to define what she actually is, enigmatic Sedna moves into Gemini on 16 June for a short hop, skip and a jump that lasts until 23 November.

Sedna did not exactly zip through Taurus. She first entered Taurus in 1864, flitted back and forth with Pisces until 1867 when she settled in for a century and a half, entering Taurus the first time in 1965. After her initial survey of Gemini, Sedna returns to Taurus, then back to Gemini on 27 April of 2024. There she remains until 2065. So her main block of time in Gemini runs about forty-one years, compared to156 years in Aries? Yes, her orbit is very eccentric at 0.856 (eccentricity = 0 is a perfectly round orbit, 1 is no longer an ellipse). Thus, her time in each sign radically varies. Actually, she spends the least amount of time in Cancer, the sign where she comes closest to the Sun. Close is arbitrary. When closest to the Sun she is 76.38 AU distant (Pluto is 39 AU when farthest from the Sun by comparison). And she does retreat way out to 532 AU.

What is the farthest ranging object from the Sun that still orbits our star? It’s relatively early data, but reasonably solid that reports the most distant known Kuiper Belt Object is 541132, a.k.a. Leleakuhonua. This KBO runs out to 1369.8 AU for an orbit of a whopping 50,698 years. Next time you fret that a Pluto transit lasts a long time, better hope that a Leleakuhonua transit brings sugar plums... or the luck of the Irish or Hawaiian kahunas.

A note about the perihelion, aphelion nodes, positional and orbital data of these far-ranging objects: There is no point to lock in with declarations of rock solid degrees. The data constantly updates. In fact, since his discovery, the orbital data of Chiron, and even Pluto, for that matter, perpetually receive revision as do all of the planets.

Since Gemini seems fond of hardware, back to the nuts and bolts of Sedna. Her perihelion at 5 Cancer 08 (heliocentric) stresses that the urgency of her transits comes in the form of emphasizing how to foster life and sustain needs in the real world. After all, she ran off with the bird man because he promised her life would be more fulfilled than the barren Arctic existence with her father. Her north node (heliocentric) weighs in at 24 Leo 16 which renders an optimized course of life action directed toward self-actualization with urgencies satisfied.

Take care of needs in life, then turn all attention and effort to self realization and spiritual cultivation. It is essential to first satisfy the urgency (perihelion-based) of real world matters, then pursue the spiritual world. When unable to buy food, one cannot assert they engage in a voluntary fast for physical cleansing or spiritual well-being. The core essence knows the truth and will reject the justification.

Given several decades of Sedna in Gemini ahead, weighing of all life options and spiritual paths against one another seems to be a prescription. Ultimately, Sedna in Gemini bears one huge life consideration: It is all about choice.

When the bird man first approached Sedna and promised her the Moon and the stars, she evidently weighed the information he presented. No doubt this was contrasted against the parade of hunter-gatherers her father presented as viable mates in the harsh land where they lived. She decided to get in the bird man’s kayak and engage with him. It was a choice. Whether conscious or not, she made that decision.

Subsequently, Sedna in Gemini promotes consciously accepting responsibility for each and every life option selected. With Gemini, it’s always important not to justify courses of action based upon whim, or to rationalize decisions in favor of want over need. Says Sedna in Gemini, weigh the mental options and infuse thoughts with clear reading the signs, attending to the oracles and listening to the wind.

Decisions regarding self-preservation contrasted with species preservation and those who happen to be in ones sphere of influence stand out as hugely important. The symbolic association here pulls from Sedna’s father casting her out of his kayak when attacked by ferocious flocks of birds, since it was evident they wanted to return Sedna to the bird man and would achieve that objective at all costs. Sedna’s father decided saving himself presented a more favorable priority than continuing the rescue mission of his daughter. So, says Sedna, take notes. Consider that you are bonded with your blood family, your tribe and those individuals you have chosen to include in your life for the duration of congruent pursuit for the causes of all.

When the going gets tough and circumstances appear dire, there can be no throwing of valuable people out of the boat. Or in the popular terminology of the political world, do not throw loyal and devoted followers or those with whom you have a real world or soulful pact under the bus.

Sedna lost her fingers in the unfortunate kayak situation with her father. Ultimately, to secure good hunts and provident blessings from the powerful goddess, the spiritual leaders of the land propitiated to Sedna by combing her beautiful tresses as she could no longer do. So how can one make healthy, formative decisions when it comes to life and spiritual matters? Literally and figuratively, brush your hair to propitiate for guidance and wisdom while staring at yourself in a mirror, allowing yourself to enter the portals of your eyes and merge with the essence of your soul. This is not getting your dander up... this is for fostering fate.

More very soon.

Today on the symbolic drive the snakes out of Ireland day... the day when a Pied Piper of sorts takes care of creatures that could be woeful, how about booking that consultation to secure good information and helpful insights? Or perhaps a series of sessions? Longer term planets now change signs and the overall mood out there has shifted and will continue to do so. What a great time to consider sorting out progressive changes with a consultation or package of consultations. A Galactic Report offers soulful insights as well. For those wanting to know more about the dwarf planets or things galactic and not wanting to take on the entire Galactic Trilogy, click the link below for Astrological Texts and you may order my PDF books The Soul of the Sky and The Sun at the Center now available as stand alone texts. Or you can order the entire Galactic Trilogy if so inclined.

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